Fall Garden is planted and ready to sprout (maybe?)

I sowed the seeds for what will hopefully be a nice Fall garden. Hooray! In the break between pulling up the old stuff and planting the new stuff I was having a visitor in the dirt box.

Punky in the garden (dirt)

Here’s the plan I made. I’m not sure the cabbage and potatoes are going to grow, but I’m giving it a try.

Fall Garden Plan

And viola! Hopefully in a little while I’ll have some tiny sprouts.

Fall Garden- Full shot

Fall Garden- right close up

Fall Garden- Left Close up

I didn’t do anything to the soil other than add a little more manure and peat moss. It seemed rich enough the first time around, but we will see how it works. After pulling out the Spring/Summer plants, but before planting this new stuff, I had about 15 sprouts pop up from the seeds I planted in April. Not sure what’s going to happen there, but I’m eager to find out.

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